Managing a cultural transformation
Business cases
“We want to revamp our corporate culture, to make it more flexible, to foster independence and collaboration between teams.”
From an out of breath culture, losing efficiency…

… to a more flexible and agile organization
From a culture that sticks to procedure, perceived as discouraging all initiatives…

… to operating modes supporting innovation and creation
Building an Executive Team
Business cases
“I wish to build and organize my new management team around a shared vision.”
From a loner’s vision…

… to one co-constructed and supported by the whole Board of Directors
From top managers in charge of silos…

… to a team embodying the very notion of cross-fertilization
From a collection of individuals with unclear responsibilities…

… to a thriving and efficient Board of Directors
Co-constructing a vision
and supporting its implementation
Business cases
“We wish to draft our corporate project together, as a collective, and to treat its implementation as the very first step of the evolution of our management practices.”
From failed co-construction efforts and increasingly demotivated teams…

… to teams convinced of the strategic project’s relevance and eager to contribute to its operational implementation
From an expertise-based management supervising its activity…

… to managers-leaders aware of innovative managerial techniques and mindful of the efficiency/pleasure balance
Securing critical skills addressing organizational
and strategic issues in the medium term
Business cases
“We want to prepare ourselves for the technological and social innovations that will change our business model and strategy. And to develop skills that will allow our team to embrace those changes.”
From a reactive and short-term oriented type of human resources management…

… to a proactive and strategic approach which values HR as a catalyst for transformations
From a compartmentalized control logic of HR’s different processes…

… to an integrative and iterative approach of the GPEC
From an isolated and poorly integrated into business decision HR…

… to a joint and shared responsibility between management and HR